Is it just a coincidence that both Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad did not have at least one adult son to carry on their message? All Muslims know that Prophet Muhammad was the last of the Prophets sent by God. But it is not clear why Allah, after thousands of years of sending prophets to every nation in the world…
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U svim džamijama na području Islamske zajednice (IZ) u Bosni i Hercegovini danas je pročitana tematska hutba povodom Dana državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, čiji je autor muftija goraždanski Remzija-ef. Pitić. U hutbi se ističe kako je 25. novembar jedan od najznačajnijih datuma u povijesti Bosne i Hercegovine.…
Dan državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine U povodu 25. novembra – Dana državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, Bošnjačko-američka nacionalna asocijacija (BANA) uputila je čestitku članici Predsjedništva BiH Željki Cvijanović, predsjedniku manjeg bh. entiteta Miloradu Dodiku & drugim nasljednicima genocidne…
Islamic Community of Kosova is an independent institution that represents Muslims of Kosova andMuslims of the valley of Presheva. This institution organizes Islamic religious life in Kosova. IslamicCommunity of Kosova is the initiator, carrier, presenter, preacher and implementer of Islamic religiouslife in Kosova. It…
Hajji Dede Baba Edmond Brahimaj was born in Tirana on May 19, 1959, from devoted believers of Bektashism, from the village of Brataj of Vlora. After graduating from the 8 year school, he continued his studies at the Skanderbeg Secondary School and reached High scores which given him the right to pursue high military…
The peaceful Bektashian atmosphere during the days of the great Bektashian pilgrimage to the Mystical Mountain of Tomorri, (21-25) was also reflected on Monday, August 22, 2022, in the surroundings of the Tekke , with the massive participation of clerics, believers, state officials and well-wishers, but and from North…
A 15th-century Ottoman document presented to Bosnian Franciscans is part of a much larger story of the encounter between Christianity and Islam and how it evolved over centuries Sarajevo’s Franciscan Theological Seminary is a modern place with an art collection containing traces of the fascinating history of the…
„Merhamet“ Švedske obilježio je tridesetu godišnjicu svog osnivanja. Svečanosti u Geteborgu prisustvovali su i predsjednik Muslimanskog dobrotvornog društva „Merhamet“ Kenan Vrbanjac, direktorica „Merhameta“ Njemačke Edina Kadirić, prvi predsjednik i jedan od osnivača „Merhameta“ Švedske Osman…
Zahvaljujući Ministarstvu za rad, socijalnu politiku, raseljena lica i izbjeglice Kantona Sarajevo, korisnici “Merhametove” Javne kuhinje „Imaret“ u Sarajevu ubuduće će, uz topli obrok, redovno imati i voće. Podjela voća, uz topli obrok, planirana je svakim radnim danom. Tako će se “Merhametovim”…
Lider stranke HDZ Dragan Čović godinama nanosi štetu Islamskoj zajednici i iznosi tvrdnje bez ijednog dokaza. Islamska zajednica je svaki put reagirala saopštenjima na što se Čović nije osvrtao, stoga se postavlja pitanje da li je krajnje vrijeme da Islamska zajednica tuži Čovića Čović je više puta dovodio…