As part of its expansionist neo-Ottoman agenda, the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been building mosques and setting up Islamic educational institutions around the world. The mosque that Ankara is currently constructing in Tirana, Albania, will reportedly be the largest of the dozens of its…
Day: January 31, 2019
U organizaciji Bošnjačke zajednice kulture (BZK) „Preporod“, u petak, 1. februara 2019. godine, sa početkom u 18.30 sati, u Domu kulture u Donjem Vakufu bit će održana promocija knjige „Svjedoci zla“ Akifa Agića i Faruka Vele. Nakon Mostara, Gornjeg Vakufa, Stoca, Jablanice, Kaknja i Sarajeva, večer u…