Radar Earth Station in The Middle of Nowhere

When I orbited the Earth in a spaceship, I saw for the first time how beautiful our planet is. Mankind, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!

The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home that must be defended like a holy relic. The Earth was absolutely round. I believe I never knew what the word round meant until I saw Earth from space.

Science has not yet mastered prophecy. We predict too much for the next year and yet far too little for the next 10.

Science cuts two ways, of course; its products can be used for both good and evil. But there’s no turning back from science. The early warnings about technological dangers also come from science.

Failure is not an option.

Spaceflights cannot be stopped. This is not the work of any one man or even a group of men. It is a historical process which mankind is carrying out in accordance with the natural laws of human development.

If you could see the earth illuminated when you were in a place as dark as night, it would look to you more splendid than the moon.

Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon. July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.

Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns.

If you could see the earth illuminated when you were in a place as dark as night, it would look to you more splendid than the moon.

